How to remove toner from hair

How To Remove Toner From Hair? 6 Easy Methods

Hair dying is a common practice that is equally favored and followed by people of all tastes, gender, and ages. Hair toners are used as a treatment to add a subtle fresh punch to hair. But choosing the wrong shade or getting it done unprofessionally can turn your desire to look cool into a horrible nightmare.

The great part is that toner is a temporary dye that is easy to remove, unlike bleach or box dye.

How to remove toner from hair

If you are currently frustrated with the results of using hair toner, this reading is definitely for you. This article will demonstrate how to remove toner from your hair completely and what to do after you remove the toner.

How to remove toner from hair?

You are not doomed if you are dissatisfied with your toner or made a mistake using it. Fortunately, it will wear off over time. However, if you want a rapid solution, you can wash away toner by either using a clarifying shampoo, hydrogen peroxide, lemon, an anti-dandruff shampoo, dawn dish soap, baking soda, or visiting a colorist.

Let’s dig deep into each one.

Clarifying Shampoo

One of the simplest ways to remove toner from hair is to use a clarifying shampoo. It’s super good to go and one of the best methods on this list.

Most of the time, clarifying shampoos are made to eliminate product buildup and excessive oil from the hair. It is also a suitable method for gently removing undesirable colors. However, it will not eliminate the toner from your hair. Instead, it will accelerate its gradual fading.

What makes clarifying shampoos effective are surfactants and active ingredients that remove all impurities from the hair, including toner color. Although it can damage your hair, it won’t be as damaging as bleach or peroxide. Just make sure to follow up with a conditioning treatment.


  • Apply it just like any other shampoo.
  • Thoroughly read the instructions on the bottle and leave it on your hair accordingly.
  • After that, rinse your hair properly with water.
Clarifying Shampoo For Hair Toner Removal

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Another quick and easy way to get the toner out of your hair is to wash it with anti-dandruff shampoo. It breaks down excess oils on the scalp cap. In addition to providing a deeper cleansing than most shampoos, it also aids in fading hair color. But again, it will also work gradually; it won’t immediately remove the toner; instead, it accelerates its fading.

Consider using purple shampoo to reduce the appearance of orange and yellow tones without completely removing the toner. Those with blonde hair often get benefits from using purple shampoo. 

As anti-dandruff shampoos frequently contain sulfates that dehydrate the hair, you must take good care of your hair after using it.


  • Pour a dollop of an anti-dandruff shampoo on your hair.
  • Gentle massage your hair
  • Leave it on for 5-7 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to Remove hair toner

Baking soda and Shampoo

Adding baking soda to your regular shampoo or clarifying shampoo can make it work better at removing toner.

Mix a dollop of shampoo into your palm with a teaspoon of Baking soda. After that, shampoo your hair normally. To remove all baking soda from your hair, rinse it thoroughly.


  • Combine 10 ml of shampoo with 2 teaspoons of Baking soda.
  • Use this mixture to scrub your hair gently.
  • Use warm water to rinse your hair.
  • Apply a conditioner that nourishes.
  • Use warm water to rinse it off.
Baking soda and Shampoo to Remove toner from here

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another helpful way to remove the undesired color from hair. However, due to its high acidity, it can be extremely drying to the hair.

The natural bleaching and oxidizing properties of lemon juice can assist in the removal of the toner. It’s a natural and safe option but use it sparingly, considering its high hair-drying capacity. To prevent the lemon juice from drying your hair, combine the juice with some conditioner.  

Perform this method within 24 hours following your hair toning for the best results. Take fresh lemon juice, but if freshly squeezed lemons are unavailable, you can use the pre-packaged juice in emergencies.


  • Make some lemon juice. You’ll need about 3 to 4 lemons for hair that’s short to medium in length and about 5-6 for long hair.
  • Combine the conditioner and lemon juice. You’ll need one part conditioner to three parts lemon juice.
  • From root to tip, apply the mixture to your hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap to make sure your hair is completely saturated.
  • The mixture should be left on your hair for at least three hours, but it’s better to leave it on overnight. 
  • The lemon juice’s acid will gradually remove the toner from your hair. You can heat things by sitting in the sun or with a hair dryer. The lemon juice will work faster resultantly.
  • Shampoo and deep condition your hair the following morning or three hours later.

Dish Soap with Lemon

Using dish soap and lemon juice together is referred to as Chelating. Chelating is usually carried out before dying the hair, and it is designed to remove product buildup and grease from the hair. It can also remove toner from the hair.

Dish soap is not intended for use on hair so that it can be extremely drying. As a result, you should only use it twice a week.


  • Take a lump of dish soap and apply it to your hair.
  • Then work the juice of lemon through your hair by squeezing it directly onto your head.
  • At the very least, let the lemon juice sit for a few minutes.
  • Rinse the hair to remove the lemon juice.
  • Use a deep conditioner afterward to minimize the harsh effects of chelating.
Dish Soap with Lemon to Remove hair toner

Hydrogen Peroxide and Shampoo

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical agent that should only be used as a last resort for toner removal, as it can harm your hair for life. 

The bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide helps remove the toner from your hair. Although applying hydrogen peroxide to your hair and skin is generally safe, it can irritate your eyes, lungs, and skin. So, It is recommended to go to the salon for hair lightening treatment. However, with caution, hydrogen peroxide can be used safely at home to lighten the hair.


  • Mix 100 ml hydrogen peroxide with 100 ml mild shampoo in a spray bottle.
  • Apply the mixture to damp hair, concentrating on areas containing the toner.
  • Apply the solution evenly to the hair strands. Remember to wear gloves.
  • Wait two to five minutes. Keep it from staying up to five minutes.
  • Use warm water to rinse thoroughly.
  • Wash off with water at room temperature after applying a hydrating conditioner. 
Hydrogen Peroxide and Shampoo to Remove hair toner

Drawbacks of Hydrogen Peroxide

To minimize the harshness of the chemical, dilute it and then mix it with shampoo before applying; protect the skin around your hairline, and work slowly. Although washing your hair with hydrogen peroxide to remove toner is a good option, it has some drawbacks, including:

Skin Irritation

Hydrogen peroxide can remove hair toner, but too much of it can irritate your skin.

You can prevent skin irritation by simply covering your hairline with petroleum jelly and leaving the hydrogen peroxide in your hair for the least time possible. 

Cuticle damage to the hair

The outermost layer of hair is the cuticle. It helps strengthen and protect it.

Because hydrogen peroxide typically enters the hair cuticle during tint removal, washing the toner with hydrogen peroxide can damage the cuticle, resulting in frizz, breakage, and split ends. 

Hair loss

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidative dye that lasts longer than other dyes; this also puts your hair’s oxidative system under stress. This stress can cause hair aging and hair loss. 

Note: You should know that these methods can harm your hair, so you must follow them with a deep conditioning treatment.

What should be done next after the toner removal?

If you choose to wash your hair with one of the methods for removing the toner discussed above, you will likely notice that it feels drier than usual.

The hair can be damaged by all these methods, especially baking soda, dish soap, or lemon juice, which are not typically applied to the hair. It would be best if you committed to a healthy hair care routine that restores your hair’s health and gives it a chance to recover to get the most out of these methods.

Follow these steps to restore the health of your hair:

Hair conditioning

The crucial first step is to use a deep conditioning treatment. You can easily get a deep conditioning treatment at a salon or from the store. The hair will regain nutrients and moisture.

Most of the time, they are left on for a few minutes to an hour. Put a shower or plastic wrap over your head for an extra benefit to help the hair mask penetrate the hair with the heat from your scalp.

Use oils

You can use different oils, which are beneficial for dry hair and the scalp. You can try any of these:

  • Olive oil,
  • Avocado oil,
  • Almond oil,
  • Coconut oil,
  • Argan oil,
  • Mustard oil
  • Castor oil.

After 15-20 minutes of use as a mask, you can rinse each of these oils.

Additionally, they can be used as leave-in treatments. Coconut oil is mostly used from these oils and is an excellent overnight hair mask.

Avoid Hair Dying for a While

Avoid coloring or tinting your hair. Dying your hair when it is damaged and dry will only make it dry out more and even break. Try not to color your hair for six to eight weeks to give it time to heal.

How frequently can your hair be toned without causing damage?

When used properly, toners are a terrific method to make your hair look vibrant and fresh. However, you don’t want to do it so frequently that you harm your hair. You must do it frequently enough to ensure everything is balanced.

Stronger toners shouldn’t be used unless necessary, such as after recently having your hair dyed or bleached or when it starts to look brassy or orange. 

Consult a qualified colorist if you need clarification about how frequently to tone your hair. Based on your particular requirements, they can assist you in choosing the optimum timetable for toning your hair. 

What happens if the toner is left on too long?

Usually, the instructions on the toner box tell you to leave it on for five to twenty minutes. But what happens if you apply too much toner for too long?

First, you should know that hair toner is a demi-permanent color. It only neutralizes brassy yellow or orange tones in your hair, so even if you leave the tint on for too long, it won’t cause huge damage. However, applying it longer than 30 minutes may result in drying your hair and causing it to appear dull.

Additionally, it may begin to over-color your strands, changing your current shade that lasts forever! If you use a violet toner on blonde hair, purple streaks may remain in your hair. A mess of ashy green could result from a green toner if you have Brunette hair.

Briefly, hair toner has the potential to transform into a foe if you are not careful enough! Therefore, make sure to pay close attention to that timer!

Final Thoughts

If you’re too impatient to wait for the toner to come out naturally, we have walked you through different ways to wash it out of your hair. You have also been informed about how long you should apply it and how frequently this process should be done.

You can purchase cleansing, clarifying, and dandruff shampoos from the stores. Alternatively, you can make your treatment with ingredients in your kitchen cabinet, like baking soda and lemon juice.

Beware of all the negative effects of using too many products on your hair, despite your desire to remove the toner. Remember that most of the above methods work slowly, but if you use them consistently, you’ll soon have your hair back.


How can you remove toner from blonde hair?

Blonde hair is usually difficult to keep colored. The only other choice is to bleach it if you want to remove all colors. This will wash out toners, as well as all previous dyes.

How long does the color produced by the toner last?

Toner typically lasts six to eight weeks. However, many things may change this duration, and to prevent fading, you should avoid some things. For instance, if you use shampoo of low quality, your color may fade more quickly. These negative effects are usually seen with chlorides and sulfates. 

Can coconut oil remove hair toner?

The treatment with hot oil is a slow but effective way to get your hair tint out. Also, coconut oil is extremely moisturizing for your hair due to its high fat content. Every night, apply your favorite hot oil, preferably coconut oil. Apply the oil to the scalp and the length of the hair after lightly warming it. Wash your hair with lukewarm water after wrapping it in a towel. It will nourish and condition your hair in addition to removing the color from it.

Can you remove ash toner from bleached hair?

When you get your hair dyed, it starts to look ashy. Since it can appear rather lifeless and drab, this shade is not flattering. You can go to a stylist to have them remove the ash tone quickly, but if you don’t want to spend lots of money or use harsh chemicals, you can do it at home.

You can use a clarifying shampoo for this purpose. Even though this is a gradual process, it will be the least abrasive way to get rid of the coloring. When using any clarifying shampoo, you should use it sparingly to avoid further harming your already delicate hair.

Can all colors of hair toner be removed?

It varies based on the dye you use. Always take into account the contents of each manufacturer’s manual. Most of the time, every company has a color remover made specifically for their list of colors. For instance, The Crazy Color Back To Base Hair Color Remover is made to remove Crazy Color hair dye. 

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