How to Get Blue Out of Hair

How to Get Blue Out of Hair? 8 Simple DIY Methods

Blue hair can be a fun and bold statement. But when it’s not the look you’re going for, whether it’s from a DIY dye job that didn’t go as planned or from exposure to chlorine, getting rid of blue tones in your hair can be challenging.

If you don’t know how to get the blue color of your hair, don’t discourage yourself. Several effective methods exist, from using bleach to applying baking soda to remove the blue and restore your natural hair color. 

How to Get Blue Color Out of Hair?

If you’re wondering about DIY methods to get blue out of your hair, then your search lasts here. The following are effective methods you can try:

Color Removing Products

Color Removing Products are one of the easiest to remove unwanted blue dye from your hair. These products break down the artificial pigments in the hair, allowing them to be washed away. It’s essential to follow the instructions on the product carefully to avoid damaging your hair. 

Color Removing Products to get blue out of hair


Here is a general procedure for using color-removing products like L’Oreal Effasol Color Remover and Joico Color Intensity Eraser:

  • Mix the color remover powder with the developer according to the instructions on the package.
  • Apply the mixture to the blue-dyed hair sections to saturate the hair thoroughly.
  • Leave the mixture on for the recommended amount of time (usually around 20-30 minutes)
  • Rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water.
  • Shampoo and condition the hair as usual.


Please make sure you did a patch test, as some people may be sensitive to color remover products. Also, depending on the type of dye and how long it has been in your hair, it may take multiple treatments to remove the blue color entirely.

Clarifying Shampoo

If you are still confused about how to get blue out of hair? You can try clarifying shampoo. They are often used to remove discoloration caused by hair dye. They are formulated to remove the buildup of products, oils, and minerals from the hair.

They have active ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate, which break down the molecules that make up the buildup on the hair, making it easier to wash it away. Additionally, some clarifying shampoos may contain chelating agents, which bind to and remove minerals that can cause discoloration. 


  • Wet your hair thoroughly in the shower.
  • Apply a small amount of clarifying shampoo to your hair, starting at the roots and working to the ends.
  • Gently massage the shampoo into your hair, creating a lather.
  • Leave the shampoo in your hair for 2-5 minutes to allow it to work on removing the blue dye.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water, removing all traces of the shampoo.
  • Repeat the process if necessary, but remember that it can dry out hair.
  • Follow up with a deep conditioner or hair mask to moisturize and nourish your hair after using the clarifying shampoo.


It’s important to note that clarifying shampoos may not completely remove the blue dye, and several applications may be necessary to achieve the desired effect. But use it occasionally, not too frequently.

Vitamin C Tablets

Vitamin C is a reducing agent. It means that it can break down the chemical bonds in the pigments of the dye, causing them to fade. The acidity of vitamin C causes the hair dye to become more alkaline, opening the hair’s cuticle and allowing the dye molecules to escape. 

Vitamin C


  • Mix crushed vitamin C tablets with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil.
  • Apply the paste to the blue-tinted areas of your hair, ensuring to saturate the hair thoroughly.
  • Leave the paste for at least 15 minutes if the color is particularly stubborn.
  • Rinse the paste out of your hair with warm water.
  • Repeat the process, if necessary, until the blue tint is no longer visible.
  • After the final rinse, use a shampoo and conditioner to clean your hair.


Keep in mind that this method is not guaranteed to work and might cause damage to your hair. You should consult with a hair professional before taking any steps.

Use Baking soda

Baking soda is a mild alkali, and when mixed with water, it can help to remove the buildup of hair care products, minerals in hard water, and chlorine from hair. It works by raising the pH level of the hair, which can help open up the hair’s cuticle and allow the color to release. 


  • Mix baking soda and water in a bowl to form a paste. 
  • The ratio of baking soda to water should be 1:3, so for every 1 tablespoon of baking soda, use 3 tablespoons of water.
  • Apply the paste to the areas of your hair that have blue dye. Make sure to coat the hair evenly.
  • Leave the paste on your hair for about 15-20 minutes. 
  • You can also use a plastic cap or wrap your hair in plastic to help the paste stay in place and keep it from drying out.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
  • Repeat the process if needed.


Baking soda on hair can also strip away natural oils and cause damage, so it should be used sparingly and with caution. It’s advisable to use this method only once a week and always use a deep conditioner to restore the moisture in your hair.

Bleach Or Bleach Bath

Bleach or Bleach Bath is one of the most effective methods to get the blue color out of Hair. It is a standard product used to lighten hair and remove unwanted color. The active ingredient in most bleaches is hydrogen peroxide, which breaks down the melanin pigments in the hair. 

Bleach Bath

When hair is bleached, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down the melanin into smaller, colorless molecules, resulting in a lighter shade.


To remove blue hair dye using bleach, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Mix the bleach powder and developer according to the instructions on the packaging.
  • Apply the bleach mixture to the blue-dyed sections of your hair and fully saturate each strand.
  • Leave the bleach on your hair for the recommended time, typically between 15 and 30 minutes. Keep an eye on your hair during this process to ensure the bleach isn’t causing any damage.
  • Rinse the bleach out of your hair with cool water.
  • Shampoo and condition your hair as usual.


It’s important to note that bleach can be harsh on your hair and skin, so use it cautiously. Doing a patch test on a small section of hair is also recommended before applying it all over your hair.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is often used as a natural remedy to lighten hair and can also help remove blue or green dye from hair. It is acidic and has natural bleaching properties. The acidity helps to break down the dye molecules in the hair, lightening the color. 

Lemon Juice for hair


  • Mix lemon juice and water in a spray bottle.
  • Section your hair and spray the mixture onto the areas where you want to remove the blue or green dye.
  • Massage the mixture into your hair, making sure it is evenly distributed.
  • Leave the mixture on your hair for 20-30 minutes. You can sit in the sun or use a hair dryer to heat your hair, as heat can help the lemon juice work more effectively.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water. Repeat the process until you achieve your desired color.
  • After finishing the process, it is essential to use a moisturizing treatment to nourish your hair, as lemon juice can dry out your hair.


Always do a patch test before applying the mixture all over your hair. Keep in mind that the process may also lighten your natural hair color. It’s always advisable to consult a hair professional before trying this method, as it may only work for some hair types.

Sun Bleaching

Sunlight helps remove the blue tint from hair caused by hair dye containing blue or green pigments. It works by breaking down the color molecules in the hair dye. The UV rays from the sun cause a chemical reaction in the hair dye, which makes the color molecules smaller and less concentrated. It can result in the hair appearing lighter and less blue. 


  • Brush your hair to remove any tangles or knots.
  • Sit in direct sunlight for at least 30 minutes. The sun’s UV rays can help fade your hair’s blue color.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with water.
  • Repeat the process as necessary until you achieve the desired results.


Direct sunlight can cause damage to your hair over time. Use sunscreen to protect your hair from the sun, and use hair care products and conditioners to protect hair from damage. Sunlight works best with other methods, such as clarifying or color-removing shampoo.


The acidic nature of vinegar helps to break down the color molecules in blue hair dye, which can help to fade or remove the color. When vinegar is applied to the hair, it causes the pH of the hair to drop, which can alter the structure of the color molecules in the dye.

Vinegar For Blue Dye

It can cause the shade to become less stable and more likely to be washed out of the hair. Additionally, the vinegar’s acidity can help dissolve the hair’s cuticle layer, making it easier to remove the color. 


  • Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can also use a bowl and brush or applicator bottle.
  • Test the mixture on a small, inconspicuous strand of hair to ensure it does not cause irritation or adverse reactions.
  • Wet your hair with warm water and apply the vinegar mixture to the areas of your hair that have the blue dye.
  • Massage the mixture into your hair and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. You can cover your hair with a plastic cap or shower cap to help penetrate the hair.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water, removing the vinegar mixture.
  • Repeat the process if necessary.
  • After the last application, rinse your hair with cold water to close the cuticles of your hair and help lock in the natural color.
  • Condition your hair well, as vinegar can dry out your hair.


If you have sensitive skin, avoid using vinegar. It can irritate. And also, Keep in mind that it may only work on some hair types.

Understanding the Risks of DIY Hair Color Removal

Whenever you go for these methods, you should keep the following things in mind to avoid any harm to your hair.

Allergic reactions

Some people may be allergic to the ingredients in color removers or clarifying shampoos, which can lead to itching, redness, and even hair loss.

Damage to the Hair

DIY hair color removal can be harsh on the hair and may lead to dryness, breakage, and split ends.

Incomplete Removal

DIY methods may only partially remove the color, leaving the hair with a patchy or uneven appearance.


Overusing color removers or clarifying shampoos can cause damage to the hair and scalp and may lead to hair loss.

Improper mixing

If not mixed correctly, the chemicals in color removers can burn the scalp or cause severe damage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues While Removing Blue from Hair

  • Make sure to use a color remover specifically designed for removing hair dye.
  • Follow the product instructions carefully and ensure to rinse the product within the recommended time frame.
  • The amount of product needed may vary depending on the amount of dye in your hair.
  • Heat can help open up the hair cuticles and make it easier for the color remover to work.
  • After removing the blue dye, it is essential to tone your hair to neutralize any remaining brassy or yellow tones.
  • Removing the blue dye from your hair may take multiple attempts, so be patient and don’t rush the process.
  • If you have doubts or failed to remove the blue dye at home, it’s always better to get help from a professional hairstylist.

Final Thoughts

Getting blue dye out of hair can be difficult, but it is possible with the right techniques and products. A clarifying shampoo, a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and other methods mentioned above can help to lighten the shade. If these methods do not work, a professional stylist may be able to assist. 

To prevent future dye stains, it is important to use hair care products specifically designed for color-treated hair and to avoid using harsh chemicals. It’s also important to be patient and gentle while removing the dye, as harsh or aggressive treatment can damage the hair. Always do a patch test first and seek professional advice if in doubt.


What color cancels out blue hair?

Orange can cancel out the blue hair color. It is because both have a similar wavelength and will clash when combined. 

Can I get blue out of my hair without bleach?

Yes, there are many other ways to get blue out of hair without using bleach. You can use lemon, vinegar, and sunlight to lighten the shade. These are the best and most natural ways to get blue out of hair.

Does vinegar remove blue hair dye?

Yes, Vinegar has a natural acidity that helps to break down the dye molecules, which should result in a lighter hue. However, this method is not 100% effective, so repeat applications may be necessary.

Can you go from blue hair to blonde?

Yes, you can go from blue hair to blonde hair. There are a few different ways to do this, and each one has its pros and cons. Using a lightning kit is the most common way to go from blue to blonde hair. It involves using a special lightening powder to help break down the pigment in your hair and make it lighter. This method is easy to use but can be time-consuming and expensive.

How long does blue hair take to fade?

Blue hair fades relatively quickly if it is shampooed every day, but it can take up to four to ten shampoos for the color to completely disappear. If you want a lighter hue, try shampooing once a week or every two weeks.

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